The Advetures of Jadon and Kalina

The Advetures of Jadon and Kalina

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


School officially started on Tuesday, September 3.  We now have a fifth grader and a kindergartener!  Jadon and Kalina are so happy to be going to the same school and riding the same bus home. 

Kalina was a little bummed because she had to wait until Wednesday to start school (they start half the kindergarteners the first day and the other half the second day).

Jadon was happy to learn his teacher would be Mr. Hedin.  He was excited about having a guy teacher. Mr. Hedin is also into tech things and Jadon likes that.  Jadon has really enjoyed school.  He has some good friends in his class and Masumi, his one on one nurse, is still with him.  We are so blessed to have her in our lives.

Kalina has Mrs. Vendelin as her teacher.  She is so sweet and Kalina loves going to school.  Some days it is really hard to wait until 1 PM to go to school (she is in afternoon half day kindergarten).  She quickly made new friends.  We are so lucky to have Peggy, Kalina’s one on one nurse, with her again. 

As a fifth grader, Jadon had the option to join band.  He did and he loves it.  He plays percussion which is generally snare drum and bells (like a small xylophone).  They just started adding some accessory instruments, like maracas, and bass drum.  Jadon is really good.  Guess it comes naturally with the grandparents he has.  J

School is going well and we are so fortunate to have both Jadon and Kalina at Woodmoor – with such great teachers, nurses, therapists, and staff!

I forgot to mention – Kalina lost her first tooth the night before kindergarten!    
Ready for fifth grade!

Jadon's classroom

Jadon made it home on the bus!

Ready for kindergarten!

Excited to be going to the same school
Ready to learn

Getting on the bus for the first time

Riding the bus home

Missing tooth picture!

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