The Advetures of Jadon and Kalina

The Advetures of Jadon and Kalina

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day Camp

The first thing on our agenda after school ended was Day Camp at our church (University Presbyterian).  I had been feeling a little bad about not ever taking Kalina to Day Camp.  I took Jadon for 4 years, from age 3 to 6.  Once they get to first grade, camp moves outside and Jadon is not really interested in doing that.  Jadon is not officially old to be a youth helper at camp but I got permission to have him help in Kalina’s class so we decided to go this year.

The camp is in the morning for a week at our church.  Kalina’s usual Sunday school class is pretty small since we go at 8:30 AM.  She did not know anyone in her Day Camp class but that did not stop her from having fun.  She really enjoyed crafts, music, gym time, well- everything!  She even got to try roller skates at gym time.  She is one brave girl!

Jadon was a great helper in the class.  Jadon helped me tell the story of Joseph.  A friend of ours made him a colorful robe so he could really play the part.  Some of the boys enjoyed having an older male in the class.  Jadon was great at playing with them and helping keep them busy during our free time.  By the end of the week there were a few kids that wanted to sit with him and play with him whenever they could. 

I was fortunate to be teamed with 3 other great ladies as teachers in the class.  We also had fabulous youth assistants helping us. 

I am so glad we decided to go this year.  Jadon and Kalina are still singing the songs from camp.       

Joseph Robe

Joseph Robe
Here she goes!

Brave girl roller skating

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